Market & Consumer Intelligence
Hi, I’m Rishi. A Market Intelligence and a Business Consulting Expert.
Rishi Ramachandran
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How I Work

Rishi is a market intelligence and business consulting expert focused on the Asia Pacific region with over 25 years spent in business research & consulting and providing market advisory services to international corporate and public sector clients.

Over 17 years as an entrepreneur, he is building an expanding portfolio of clients and training and mentoring personnel to equip them for client management, team management, and entrepreneurship roles. He has also been advising start-ups on business plans and leadership for the last 12 years dividing time between Korea, Hong Kong, the UK, India, and South East Asia.

Rishi is the Managing Director of IBI Research & Consulting, and his role includes general management and leadership, new market development, and consultant network development. He set up and built IBI into a global strategic market intelligence and business consulting advisory. Over the years, Rishi expanded offerings to include additional practices such as trade and investment promotion, technology licensing facilitation, and business development support services for firms expanding across markets in the Asia Pacific region.

As the Director & Principal Consultant of Asia Market Advisors, he built a solid network of consultants in 15 Asia Pacific markets who help emerging international brands expand their footprint across Asia.

Case Studies
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Blog Posts
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IBI Research & Consulting

Managing Director ・ Seoul, Singapore, Hong Kong 2006 – Present

  • General management & leadership – Set up and built IBI into a global strategic market intelligence and business consulting advisory. Over the years expanded offerings to include additional practices such as trade and investment promotion, technology licensing facilitation and business development support services for firms expanding across markets in the Asia Pacific region.
  • New market development – Set up operations in India, Korea, Hong Kong, UK and the US, as well as established a partner network comprising other relevant geographies such as Japan, Thailand and China.
  • Consultant and managerial learning & development – Training of new consultants as well as team managers and practice managers to ensure consistency of capabilities and client servicing values.

Asia Market Advisors

Director & Principal Consultant・ January 2012 – Present

  • Founding and business development – spun out the Asia market development services unit of IBI
  • Research & Consulting as a separate consulting practice focused on helping boutique international brands, small and medium businesses, trade promotion agencies and foreign investment attraction bodies understand, penetrate and maximize growth opportunities in Asian markets.
  • Consultants network development – Over the course of a decade, built up a solid network of consultants on the ground in 15 Asia Pacific markets, who help emerging international brands expand their footprint across Asia.

ONE North East

Representative Director・ Seoul, Delhi, Chennai 2008 – 2011

  • Establishing Operations & Market Development – Set up inward investment market development teams in Korea and India in order to attract SME and large-scale enterprises entering Europe to invest in
  • North East England. Key sectors to attract investment included mostly innovation and technology companies, renewable energy investments and petrochemical firms from Korea and India.
  • Personnel training & business development – Training of area managers as well as team managers to ensure comprehensive coverage across geographies (especially across four cities in India) as well as to exploit business development opportunities with key industry bodies and potential investors to attract investment into the UK.
Market Intelligence
Consumer Intelligence