Market Intelligence
Hi, I am Marc. You go-to F&B Expert, and a Culinary Specialist.
Marc Matsumoto
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How I Work

Marc Matsumoto is an F&B consultant and culinary creator operating at the junction of food, media, and marketing.

With over two decades of consumer marketing experience, Marc started out in the technology space at companies such as Netflix and Nokia before transitioning to food in 2009. Having worked in the US, Japan, Australia, and the Middle East, Marc has an intimate understanding of consumer tastes and trends worldwide. Currently residing in Tokyo, Japan, Marc leverages his experience and network to spot emerging trends while helping clients achieve product/market fit abroad.

When he's not working behind the scenes, Marc hosts Bento Expo on NHK World, introducing English-speaking television audiences to the delightful art of Japanese bento. He also publishes the food blog and YouTube channel No Recipes, where he teaches every day cooks how to elevate their meals using easy to follow techniques.

Case Studies
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Blog Posts
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Cultivera, LLC

Cultivera is an agricultural technology startup company that's developed game-changing soilless cultivation system for growing high-end consumer produce.

Head of International Business Development ・2020-Present

No Recipes

No Recipes is a digital content channel that shares recipes and techniques via food blog and Youtube.

Culinary Creator ・2007-Present


  • 580,000 monthly readers on
  • 280,000 views per month on YouTube
  • 2.5M monthly viewers on Pinterest
  • featured on season 3 of Grill It! With Bobby Flay and season 7, Food Network's Chopped, and Travel Channel's Booze Traveller: Japan.

Bento Expo, NHK

NHK World is the English language international arm for Japan's national broadcaster.

Television Host・ 2016-Present

On-camera host of the NHK World television series Bento Expo.

Fresh Tastes

Food Writer・ 2011-2017

Developed, photographed, and wrote up a weekly original recipe for PBS`s food blog Fresh Tastes.

Lime Company

Marketing Director・ 2009-2010

Worked on a subscription music service aimed to give consumers a great music experience while ensuring rights holders were fairly compensated.

Thrive (Loudwater Labs)

Thrive was the first online financial advisory service to assess a user's financial health and provided step-by-step advice to improve it.

Chief Marketing Officer・ 2006-2008


  • Instrumental in raising angel and Series A rounds of funding.
  • Successfully planned and launched product on a shoestring budget
  • Captured over $100M in assets tracked in 4 weeks.
  • Lowered SEM CPA from over $20 to under $3.
  • Acquired by LendingTree


Senior Marketing Manager・ 2001-2006

Managed 3 customer acquisition channels for the largest online DVD rental company.


  • Increased customer conversion through WOM and remarketing channels by 3x and 4x respectively.
  • Doubled gift subscription sales for 3 consecutive years, outpacing subscriber growth by over 20%.
  • Successfully planned and executed customer communications strategies for events ranging from natural disasters to shifts in the company strategy.


Web Producer・ 2001-2001

Managed all aspects of online product marketing for a network infrastructure startup. Reported to the VP of Marketing and worked across all divisions of the company to compile specs and commission collateral.


  • Built a compelling online presence increasing product awareness within the industry, strengthening the Amber brand.
  • Successfully promoted Amber’s presence and events for industry trade shows.

Market Intelligence
PR / Media