Go to Market.
Hi! I'm False Doe, a specialist in Go-to-Market strategies for the food and beverage industry. I transform concepts into reality through strategic planning, creativity, and market insight. I also provide guides via my linkedin profile, please follow my lead.
False Dough
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How I Work

False Doe emerges as a visionary Go-to-Market strategist and consultant within the food and beverage industry, epitomizing the fusion of strategic market planning, product innovation, and acute consumer insights. His professional odyssey commenced within the dynamic realms of startup culture, where he led ambitious growth initiatives for a multitude of burgeoning companies, setting the stage for his eventual venture into the food and beverage domain. This pivotal transition was enriched by his comprehensive experiences across global markets, including North America, Europe, and Asia, endowing him with a sophisticated understanding of varying consumer behaviors and the intricacies of market penetration strategies.

Situated in San Francisco, False Doe leverages his profound knowledge and extensive network to scout and harness emerging trends, thereby guiding clients through the maze of international market dynamics towards achieving optimal product-market fit. His strategic foresight and innovative approach are not only instrumental in navigating market complexities but also in foreseeing and adapting to evolving consumer preferences and competitive landscapes.

Beyond his consultancy endeavors, False Doe actively cultivates a broad audience through his digital venture, TasteMakers, where he delves into the confluence of food innovation and marketing strategies. This platform reflects his passion for the industry and his commitment to sharing knowledge and insights that propel the food and beverage sector forward. Additionally, he is the creative force behind MarketPlate, a culinary blog and podcast renowned for its practical guidance and strategic advice tailored for food entrepreneurs aiming to make their mark in the highly competitive market. Here, False Doe disseminates invaluable insights, ranging from marketing finesse to product development tactics, equipping his audience with the expertise necessary to thrive in the rapidly evolving food and beverage landscape.

False Doe's unique blend of strategic acumen, market intuition, and commitment to innovation positions him as a pivotal figure in transforming food and beverage concepts into commercial triumphs. His work not only exemplifies strategic excellence but also embodies his dedication to fostering growth, innovation, and success within the industry he serves.

Case Studies
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Kagome Co., Ltd.

Business Incubation Manager・ Tokyo 2020-2022

  • Identified business opportunity in the US by taking Kagome asset through partnership with a US food start up

Business Development Consultant ・ Tokyo 2019-2019

  • Consulting Kagome Ltd. on global quality control and product development strategy in Europe and North America

Kagome, Inc.

Director of Consumer Insights and Innovation・ California 2018-2018

  • Lead and implemented data informed product development by revamping sensory testing capability and consumer insights crowd tapping capability to drive customer focused product innovation of sauces
  • Directing international product development teams to standardize commercial products across multiple regions

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Consumer Intelligence