Hi, I’m Damien. You go-to F&B Expert specializing in company management, sales, and strategy.
Damien Cambefort
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How I Work

Damien Cambefort is an accomplished leader in the fields of company management, sales, and strategy, boasting a wealth of international business development knowledge acquired over a distinguished career spanning more than 25 years. His extensive experience is marked by excellence in company and personnel management. Damien's expertise encompasses various industries, including food, specialized retail, luxury, and steel processing.

Since 1999, Damien has been at the helm of transforming food companies and adapting them to people-focused strategies while expanding their global reach. He is currently spearheading Van Delft Biscuits, a renowned cookies producer with a historical specialization in the Private Label business.

Throughout his career, Damien has consistently played a pivotal role in the food industry across Europe, Northern and Southern America. He has also created great networks in the Gulf and Asia. He has led and grown businesses in retail, food service, and gourmet sectors, covering dry, frozen, and fresh product segments.

From a managerial and financial perspective, Damien has demonstrated a remarkable ability to turn companies into stable, profitable, and development-focused entities. He is now seeking a new, forward-looking, and ambitious project to undertake.

With a passion for challenging established models and fostering visionary advancements, Damien has a track record of enabling people to discover their potential and relish in their abilities.

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General Manager, International Development & Operations Leader, Board Member ・ The Netherlands 2016-2023

420 employees - Turnover : 60 M€ - Producing PL & Branded Cookies

  • Changed Van Delft focus from a unique national market perspective into a successful international ambition
  • Continuously investing and reshaping our portfolio according to the evolutive circumstances we went through over this period,
  • Developed new capacities and increased performance and production, focusing always on profitability, quality and innovation.
  • Worked out Van Delft Biscuits new structure and made it a recognized European & International 60 millions € player, with wide industrial capacity and multiple new markets operations.
  • Lead and realized a strong development project in our US development, where we are operating since 2017 our own coast to coast covering organization, logistics facilities and transport.
  • Structured a leading position in France, Italy, Spain and Portugal, beside main local players, and more recently opened new development activities in southern America and Asia.
  • Cnducted assets management, the performance revaluation, the industrial investment and the competitive positioning, with a performance growth over 12%.

Results extracts: International Incomes 2015: <5 % ; International Incomes 2022 : 35% ; International Incomes Group projection 2025 : 50% ; Performance : +12%


Biscuit International Group Member since 2016

No « official » Board during the period (the group management system was being transformed then into a Freedom-form organization)

Operating under the exclusive Group CEO authority, and reporting to the CEO and Group GM, 800 emloyees , 190 M€ turnover, 5 plants, French PL cookies Leader Now Biscuits International, 15 plants, over 500 M€ turnover

International Development Director ・ Toulouse, France 2011 - 2015

  • Came to transform the Group into an international player and did. In 2015 Poult had became internationally recognized as a main and priority player in Europe, Northern and Southern Americas specifically and was starting to expand towards Asia and the Middle East.
  • Designed and operated the group transformation strategy, to bring the necessary valuable assets to the Group sales operation. The international new value and perspectives completely changed the deal closing and made the operation a highly valuated success.
  • Defined and achieved the International partnerships structuring: Europe, USA, Canada, Brazil, Peru, Colombia, Chile, China. Also implemented and made successful the first US operational facility.

Results extracts: Tripled the international revenues ; Forecasted International Incomes 2016 : 50 M€ ; Profitability index from 2011 to 2015 : + 15 %


Negocimpact was created to be the 1st fully integrated development partner for food manufacturers.

  • Advice and commercial development on the Spanish perimeter
  • Support and strategic development of activities in partnership with more than 60 European industrial players over the period Development in transversal and collaborative actions, on-site interventions, R&D management and support, Quality, Logistics, Legal, Commerce, Purchasing, etc.
  • Creation and provision of support brands for the strategic development of MDD Key Accounts. Integral management of major accounts

CEO and Founder ・ Valencia, Spain 2003-2011

  • Over 30 industrial partners externalized to Negocimpact on the long term their development policies, for both their PL and branded international and local strategies. We integrated all the support roles specifically trained to perform on the focused markets : supply chain, marketing, sales, quality, R&D, administration, export tasks management, etc.
  • We built up then our own Supply Chain systems adjusted to the main markets focuses requirements : Spain, Portugal and France, for retail business, food service and specialized retail.
  • NegocImpact opened its activity to the new emerging consuming necessities : free from food ranges and solutions (gluten free, lactose free, eggs free,...) and structured it as a parallel activity from 2008 on. We successfully launched the first ever launched full inclusive gluten free frozen food line, from starters to desserts and created the gluten free friendly trend in Spanish hotels & restaurants.


1st italian frozen vegetables & ready meals producer, top european PL player

Subsidiary Creator & Director ・ Barcelona & Valencia, Spain 1999-2003

Rolli Group : 800 employees, 150 M€ turnover, 3 plants

  • Analysis, organization and implementation of the subsidiary project and business model.
  • Set up a new growth driver and did. i have spent 4 years setting up the subsidiary and achieving the previously established development strategy.
  • Managed the changed and the growth, both internally and towards the main Spanish and Portuguese retail operators, converting Iber Rolli in the most successful industrial actor in Spain from1999 to 2003 (2000 to 2003 – first international Inter Supplier agreement signed with Mercadona’s CEO).

J2L Group – Lagier España – Industrial manufacturing

Subsidiary Director ・ Valencia, Spain 1997 to 1999

J2L Group: 200 employees, 50 M€ turnover, 2 industrial plants.

Stores layout structures, sales spaces organizations, furnitures, displays design & supplies.

  • Subsidiary reshaping. New operations plan definition and implementation. New industrial strategy management.